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"Zap 'em with your curser, Man! Zap 'em with your curser!"
(Dennis Hopper from Hamsterpocalypse Now)


Watch out for Warren ... The Black-Eyed Duck of the Apocalypse Click Warren to Crash!

Now come directly to this page from

©2001-2004, Ouch!

Oh ... and you folks at ... We don't care about FLASH or any of that other stuff.  You suck.  And please don't try to sue us or I'll tell Disney that you stole your little song from their animated "Robin Hood" movie.

For serious creepiness, you once coulda tried -- these guys bought themselves a One Way Ticket on the Bullet Train to Hell just for thinking of this site.  They get an extra 100 years in Purgatory for building it.  Now they're gone.  Ha!