Yes ... you've seen it on Pokémon (if you live in Japan)
and you've read about it in the news (if you read)! That's right,
if you are susceptible to seizures, an oscillating red/green light at
three to five times per second is a great way to set one off!
WARNING: Do not, under any
circumstances, click on the picture of Hal 9000! (SeeUinHell.com
disclaims any responsibility for actions that we have expressly told you
not to take ... like, for instance, clicking on the picture.)
Click on Hal to see if you'll have a seizure.
Be sure to have a couple of pencils ready to keep you from swallowing
your tongue.
Apologies to those who do have seizures, but then,
jokes about alcoholism don't bother me much, so get over it.