Get faux pas
MP3s Here!
We've Finally Uploaded! And See Videos Too! (Oh, and most of the information below is way outdated, and some outright false. We haven't played for over 10 years, but we all still live near each other and talk periodically and stuff. tcj 10/8/09) |
(pronounced "fo paw")
faux pas, San Diego's premier Humor-Core band, would like to announce that we are still together!Sure, we don't play out much, we never rehearse, we still suck, but ... Our 1993 Masterpiece "This
One's For The Children," a kid's album
with lots of Real Educational Facts, Soporific Ramblings,
and Catchy Melodies (Parental Guidance Suggested), "This One's For The Children" was produced by Mike Keneally, friend, ex-Zappa guitarist, and really great musician (see his amazing Web Site); and narrated by Harley Davidson of Deadbolt, the band that invented Voodooo-Billy. GET IT NOW, CHEAP!:
Plus, We Still Have Some Tapes!
Our 1993 release "Strive For Mediocracy," which randomly dissects life as we know it, and our 1992 release "Songs We Didn't Write" which blatantly and without permission destroys any semblance of musical acumen heard in the original versions, are NOW AVAILABLE FOR ONLY $2.00 (plus shipping and handling if you don't live in SD) KEEP THOSE CARDS AND LETTERS COMING! Also, see the San Diego Area Music page, the most complete archive of web sites dealing with Music in ... you guessed it: San Diego. (Of course, we're linked to it.) Created by T.C. Johnston. Copyright 1997 and then some. Reproduction of the contents of this page is strictly encouraged, just give me credit, a link to this page, etc. |